Monday, March 17, 2014

PAR Lesson Plan

Par Lesson Plan – 5th Grade Living systems

Written Purpose- Students will understand and be able to explain the differences in organisms and how to classify them using a dichotomous key.

Standards of Learning- 5.5 The student will investigate and understand that organisms are made of one or more cells and have distinguishing characteristics that play a vital role in the organism’s ability to survive and thrive in its environment. Key concepts include

b)   classification of organisms using physical characteristics, body structures, and behavior of the organism; and
c)   traits of organisms that allow them to survive in their environment.

Objectives - TSWBAT classify organisms in a dichotomous key using physical characteristics, body structures, and behavioral traits.

TSWBAT create a chart organizing organisms by survival behavioral traits.

Preparation –

Students will be given a graphic organizer jot chart with 3 columns. The  first column lists the vocabulary words ( dichotomous key, living systems, cells, organisms, physical characteristics, vertebrate, invertebrate, habitat, and adapatation). Students will list definition they think or remember in the second column.

The teacher will play the vocabulary podcast - and ask students to jot down any definitions they learn.

The teacher will ask students to draw a WIKA chart in their notebooks. She will do a picture walk through the book “What is a Living Thing?” and ask students to fill in the “what I know” section of the chart.


The teacher will read aloud “What Is a Living Thing? (Science of Living Things)” to the students. The students will fill in definitions they have learned.

The students will fill in the “What I want to learn” section of the WIKA chart.

The teacher will discus physical characteristics of living things.

The student will turn to page 256 in textbook to show picture of dichotomous key.


Students will fill in the “What I know now” and the “What I still want to know” section of the WIKA chart.

Cooperative learning - Students will work with their tables and be given 6 organism cards, chart paper, and markers. They have to create their own dichotomous key, switch with another group and solve. If problems arise students will work within their groups to fix their dichotomous key and find the problem. The students will then present their dichotomous keys

Students will use vocabulary jot chart to reflect and ask questions in group and to teacher about misconceptions or missed vocabulary.


Students will work with a partner to complete a reflection guide.

Students will create self-generated questions on an exit slip. These questions are questions that you can use a dichotomous key to answer.

Reflection Guide

Put an x beside each statement that is true about living things.

_____1. Every living thing has a heartbeat.
_____2. Living organisms consume nutrients, and produce waste
_____3. All living things have a back bone
_____4. All living things have at least one cell.
_____5. All living things adapt to their habitat.

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